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Hello There!!!Am (18)I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not a devil.Lastly, I Appreciates Every Breathing Moment. What about you?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


LOL ! XD vivian tag me to do this quiz !

1.what is the thing you want most?

urhh , probably good results and stable relationship with baby heart

2.if you had a wish,what would it be?

well , i wish to go back to my primary school life as there are too many memories left behind . Crying

3.what are you afraid to lose most?

family , friends and my baby ! Crying

4.what will you do when you are dying soon?
LOL ! choy ! choy ! choy ! eh , i also dunno leh :P you ever believe that your best friend would betray?

YES ! of cause ! i d0nt believe in best friends but i believe in good friends , because there's this saying " when the world changes , people changes too " .

6.if you met someone that you love a lot,will you confess to him/her?

NO , i no need to confess anymore , because i already found my ♥ . still confess to others for what ?

7.what on your mind now?

im thinking of my baby badly as he had gone out to pray for his grandpa &&& tml's outing ! ROLLING LAUGH

8.what kind of people you hate most?

urhhs , good question . i hate people who lies to me . my blood can really boils up . angry

9.will you cherish your friendship?

YES , i will except some . BUT i think everyone will cherish right ?

10.will you treasure your love one?

YES ! for sure . i d0nt wanna regret after i had lose them .

11.what will you do if you have a billion dollar?

* LAUGH OUT LOUD * d0nt tell anyone ? laughing
no luhs . actually i also dunno leh , never think of this question before .

12.what you one your friendship to be like?

NO quarell and misunderstanding .

13.what your favourite hobby?

To be honest , i got no hobby . you believe in god?

YES ! It's a MUST h

15.if you feel low who will you go to?

To my baby , because whatever things i have , i will share with him .

16.if you have 3 wishes,what would they be?

1 . last long with baby ♥
2 . get good good good results
3 . im currently craving for a day at night safari ♥


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