sorry ladies , gentleman , lesbians and gays for not updating this few weeks , and i realise that life without com can be real bored ): i'm a sad child now D: heh heh ...
1st SEP 2008
actually wanna go vanessa's house do ss project de , budden TAM LOK LOK lah , cnt make it cause her parents off ma dhen she cnt come out .
WHat irritates me was that ask her msg me whether she can go out ma , bud she dint !

okay , nvm let's forget it .
Then end up dint went van house loh . MET up with baby and vivian at 1+ .
Initially wanna go chinatown k-box de budden when we reach there no k-lunch le :O
So we walked 1 big round to party-world .
GUESS what ? that shop had closed down .
so suay -.-
IN the end end end , bused 124 to orchard the party-world . EAch person around $15+ burh .
We were there from 2+ to 6+ . Bud only vivian and me sang the most . BABY only sat there gong-gong hear we sing .
ohmyholygwad ~ i got no sound anymore T.T
OMG ! 1 tell to announce !
VIVIAN YONG XIU YI says that im sucha big bully ,
i think she's the 1 that bullys me the most ba ...
We were slapping each other's lap . LOL ~
kinda fun lah ytd .


alright readers , today is sucha boring day of mine . Once i gotta use com again , i will post a very very nice , colourful , amazing , interesting and lalalalala posts ;D . Hah , promise lah ! LOL , bye-bye sweethearts

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