Okay... I'll just do a short update here with bits of pieces of some pictures frm my camera (again)! They were all taken on thursday night when we are celebrating benny's bday and had nothing better to do but to spam my camera. Went to have buffet dinner at Yuki Yaki at MS after that went to v's house around 10.Spent our time there cutting cake, spamming my cam and homed at 11+.Great fun i must say! Hahaha. Anyway, I apologise for the lack of updates recently... Been really stressed up over my tests,aps and upcoming exams. Whatever it is...I wanna wish everyone of you out there who're having your Mid Years/Prelim(1) good luck! :) Study hard and you'll get to play hard during your dec hols!(not june hols >:( ) hahaha It'll all be worth it, trust me! Budden i'm very lazyyyyyyyyyyy-.- Hope the pictures below will help u decrease your stress because of some idiotic action did by mbl and benny.Hehehehehe its my idea anyway! Enjoy ~~~
Hi! Happy Birthday! Warriors! LOLHunter!
okay~will update again when i have things to update.Cya!~!
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