currently at home . mum & dad had gone out to work ,
left me alone at home ): ,
baby had gone out also , to have his lunch .
wasting my precious time staring at the computer for dunno how many hours .
all using friendster , blogging , auditioning and msn-ing ,
i'm so BORED !!!
MY AUDI character

fcuking ugly luhs , im gonna change the clothes given by my cousins
rarh =/ ,
make me so " xia suay " wearing it .
summore the shoe d0nt goes with the fcuking clothes .
eeeeew ):
&&& i quarrelled with a FUCKTARD in audi ,
spoiled my mood in playing ,
say himself cute ?!
pls luhs ,
d0nt make me * PUKE * alright ?
erm , gonna go bugis buy my skull flats this week ,
and also gonna catch 2 movies with baby .
Probably watching
im going forh the rhapsody thingy ehh (:
budden baby have not bought his ticket ):
nvm nvm , lucky i had reserved 1 forh him .
so there isnt a need to worry , all tickets are being sold off (:
&& i will be on9-ing and blogging every weekend ,
from effect on today onwards .
cause im not allow to on com on weekdays ,
cause nidda STUDY -.- .
kao shi yao dao le .
kkays luhs , gtg le .
byebye !
&& i wunt find any love
sweeter than yorhs .
sweeter than yorhs .
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