hellos (:
dint blog forh the past few days ,
cause no internet connection at home ): ,
well many things happened this few days too .
baby did things that makes me ♥ him more . :O .
yea ,
i have changed my blog skins and song ,
okkays , its like damn bored now ,
i know you all are getting bored over the old one luhs ,
so damn emo -.- .
spent my day , msn-ing and audition-ing .
hais ,
baby has gone out to his aunty hse since 10+ ,
its now 9.39pm lerhhs ,
and his not back !
arghhhh .
im gonna smack him upside down already rarh =/
im now waiting for baby to reach home and k0l me ,
i wait very long liao horh ,
my eyes are closing soon ,
okkays luhs , thats all luhs . LAME post -.-
&& i wunt find any love
sweeter than yorhs .
sweeter than yorhs .
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