ehhs , HELLOS !
hmmms , forh today ah , kinda fun day luhs . yupps ,
morninq , woke up ard 6+ qet ready all thinqs , and went tho meet baby ,
dint have our breakfast cause baby said that 1 hr 30mins later jiu recess lerhhs marhhs ,
so must well eat in school . :D .
went blk19 slack till 8+ dhhen head-ed tho school ,
BIOLOGY : i dont really feel very well cause im havinq stomach cramp , yupps ate 1 penadol , awhile later jiu hao lerhhs :D . hmmms , so dint copy down whard missHO written down on the board .
CHINESE : erms , dint really hear whard teacher talkinq luhs cause busy tokinq tho lokyi burhs . yeah .
after recess ,
MATHS : missTHNG teaches us new topic , budden i dunno understand whard she tokinq about as well as hweebeng . ): , anyway , baby said he's qonna dee siao her tml :D :D :D .
ENGLISH : awwws , D: , bored luhs , keep hearing that rojak shouting . " YAWN " . i wanna mrPHOON tho teach , D:
CD3 : hmmms , kana stay back till 2 lehhs , budden nvm luhs , baby w8ted outside forh me neh . (: . actually wanna qo do ss project derhhs , bud in the end also never qo .
After school , went home directly , bath-ed , chanqed and make up dhhen meet baby qo vivo , actually qo queensway buy slippers derhhs , bud went vivo eat lunch and watch " one missed call " watch 4.55 derhhs , eeeee , i dont really like that show luhs , also nort scary derhhs loh , waste money nia . haiish .
watch till 6.30 liddat dhhen bus-ed 145 tho my ah ma house dere , went carpark sit sit and home-ed ard 8 . :D .
well , probably qoinq tho queensway tml burhs . :D
x33s !
:D :D :D
&& i wunt find any love
sweeter than yorhs .