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Hello There!!!Am (18)I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not a devil.Lastly, I Appreciates Every Breathing Moment. What about you?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

[: ,

woke up as usual , bath qet ready all thinqs and out i qo , tho take mrt tho queenstown meet baby .

Reach tionq bahru lerhhs , went tho 7-11 tho buy thinqs eat . Baby ate sandwiches and i bouqht myself instant noodle (: . Sfter buyinq , went tho blk 19 downstairs eat && around 7.10 start walkinq tho school .

Durinq chemistry class , same still aiai hweebenq made me lauqh aqain like mad woman ;x , infact , its evertyme whenever she`s me , there would shure bii lauqhter :D .

Budden after recess , no more lauqhter lerhhs =`( . Baby anqry with me , cause i made a biq biq biq mistake , i shouldnt have qo near him , baby , if yorh`re readinq this , i would like tho tell yorh that , i really never look ard him or see him , i just went there tho talk tho hweebenq , that`s all && i had never betray yorh before . I promise yorh that i wwunt qo near him or infact other guys . Please forgive me forh my mistake , i had learnt my lesson (: , yorh will always qonna bii my heart forever and ever [: .

After school , went tionq`s popular buy foolscape & hiqhliqhter , went tho sweet-talk buy drink and went opposite derhhs kopitiam see whether qort anythinq tho eat ,

Unfortunately , there`s nothinq tho eat , so wlak back tho tionq`s kopitiam eat loh and lastly went tho 7th flo0r awhil ;x , homed ard 3+ and reached home around liddat .

ZAI JIAN lerhhs w0rhhs ;

i love BAIICHII papa forh a life tyme !

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