i just came home from juronq , went dere tho cut my hair , budden dunno will lo0k qonq qonq anort lehhs . hmmms ,
yupps , mummy did cut also , bud she only cut-ed her frinqe (: , wait forh about 20minutes liddat dhhen my turn . w8 till qonna sleep loh , also msq baby while w8tinq :D ,
after cutinq , went juronq entertainment derhhs toilet dere , and went shoppinq awhile , mummy bouqht OTAH home .
Not lonq after , took mrt tho l0rt 1 went sasa buy thinqs . I was lo0kinq forh my shimmerinq liner while mummy lo0kinq forh her dunno whard thinq luhs . :X , mummy went ntuc buy thinqs and dhhen home-ed . yupps .
Well , im qoinq tho qo co0k'" dinner "naw :X . LOL
short post forh this :D ,
miqht post aqain later after my dinner burhs ~
&& i wunt find any love
sweeter than yorhs .
sweeter than yorhs .
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