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Hello There!!!Am (18)I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not a devil.Lastly, I Appreciates Every Breathing Moment. What about you?

Thursday, January 24, 2008


siqh , baby have been save-inq money like forh 1234567 years ? LOL , no luhs , few weeks ? yupps , he has nort been eatinq qood , expensive and nutritious food just tho save money forh my birthday present . eh , eh , eh , i did ask him nort tho save money lidday derhhs horhs BABY , youh said on my birthday , youh wanna me to bii a little princess , budden yorh really carnt qo on like this . Hope youh can listen tho whard i have told youh , dun save money in this way , if youh continue , youh miqht fall sick . Thanks forh everythinq youh had done forh me , i really do appreciate it .

today :

met baby , went LOK LOK kopitiam da pao fried bee hoon dhen went blk 19 eat :D .
OMG ! i think daddy maybii qoinq buy new hp forh me neh , think nia horh , cause just naw he k0l-ed mr dhhen i told him " daddy , my hp spoil lerhhs , can yorh buy me a new hp ? " he replied : aiya , dunno la dunno la , see furst , o.0 , maybii qort chance qet new hp lerhhs lehhs . :D , if nort use old derhhs fone very paiisEh derhs lehhs . AIYO >:( .

chinese period , i did 2 zuo wen cause ytd or 2 days aqo never do marhhs , if never pass up will k0l parent lehhs , so quai quai sit down dere do loh . Durinq SS , i slept forh like 20mins ? dunno what the hell the RAJA tokinq about luhs . -_____*

o.0 ! i start tho like D&&T lerhhs , maybii we naw can qo computer dere draw and nort just sittinq dere hear whard he say . :D :D :D . o.0 , anyway i dun think i have any chances tho qo art lerhhs , cause today celest and me qo find mrSIM , siqh . . .

wahhs , ho seh luhs , today maths , msTHNG bo lai , stay-ed in class , do whard she qave us tho do , i dun even know how tho do a sinqle question loh , i dunno anything forh negative index luhs . ): , i qotta qet help from my tutor lerhs (:

After school , went out with baby , bouqht sweet-talk and old chanq kee and head-ed tho blk19 , i saw mei mei jasmine ard the bus-stop dere with her baby , think she never saw me luhs , actually wanna da zao hu with her derhhs , budden never . Went blk 19 sit till like 3+ home-ed , reached ah ma house around 4+

i think thats all burhs ,
x33s !
last but not lease ,
i love my baby , SHAUN GOH ZHI YONG . (:

&& i wunt find any love
sweeter than yorhs .

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