i'm not crying , doesn't mean i'm okay , my friend .
Went tho meet baby forh breakfast
today . yupps ,
went " LOK LOK " eating house da bao
my bee-hoon and headed off tho blk 19 sit .
Baby luhs , ask him eat dun want eat >:( .
TAO YAN gui ;X ,
hmmms , today baby did something paiisEh luhs ,
i shall not say it out , if not he will paiisEh daoooooooo ,
i will just keep it to myself :D .
baby ah , lucky that guy dint saw youh ah , if not . . . . . . . ;X
around 8+ start walking tho school ,
on the way saw , ba0bei HUIXIA && her b0iify .
Forh class , i shall not elaborate more ,
cause everyday same thing , ryte lerhhs also sien .
I have been keeping to those words all of my own.
And I think is time for me to let it all out.
You may hate me why I have to post it out.
scold me all youh want ,
&& retribution will come to youh .
i d0n't mind youh scolding me _____
bud what about youh ?
carnt youh SEE yourself is a _____
&& still have the mouth to scold people
i believe that youh believe in there is RETRIBUTION ?!
d0n't youh ?
im just stating the fact ,
infact im not the only one saying youh .
people behind are saying too .
youh maybe thinking now ,
" OMG ! why she liddat one ,
she know how to say people bud dunno how to say herself "
scold me all youh want ,
&& retribution will come to youh .
i d0n't mind youh scolding me _____
bud what about youh ?
carnt youh SEE yourself is a _____
&& still have the mouth to scold people
i believe that youh believe in there is RETRIBUTION ?!
d0n't youh ?
im just stating the fact ,
infact im not the only one saying youh .
people behind are saying too .
youh maybe thinking now ,
" OMG ! why she liddat one ,
she know how to say people bud dunno how to say herself "
&& i wunt find ano love
sweeter than yorhs .
sweeter than yorhs .
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