o.0 , i have not been blogging forh 1234567 years ?! LOL , my bloq has been rottinq like no one knows (: , im been real busy this few days && naw im back tho blogging .
tuesday : ehhhs , after school went tho slack awhile && home-ed did not went out cause next day qoinq put lerhhs marhhs , so baby and me decide to qo home earlier that day . yupps . :D
wednesday ?! : LOL , HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me luhs . :D :D :D . super duper happy day . 1st time birthday baby celebratinq with me :D . After school , went straiqht away home , bath-ed everythinq and bus-ed 145 tho queenstown meet baby and took 33 together tho tionq . Baby qave me 15 lovely red roses , 1 photoframe , 1 " KISS ME " lolipop and a birthday card . he doesnt allow me tho read the card ): , he ask me qo home read . hmmms , actually plan tho qo east coast cycle derhhs , cause most of us wore skinnaye so dint qo cycle , instead , went tho town shop shop and eat lorh . :D . HEES (: .
hmmms , around 6+ or &+ bus-ed doen tho BM and dhhen lenqkee . LOKYI dint qo with us , cause she went tho meet her parents forh dinner , budden after her dinner she came and find us ard lenqkee . Well , thanks tho yizhi forh that lovely cake . i appreciate it . x33s yorh !
hmmms , before loklok came , we 3 couples slack ard the playqround dere hmmms , i ask baby whether i can read the letter and he say can . :D . awwwww ): , i feel like cryinq after readinq that letter , baby wrote loads of thinqs ,
hmmms around 9+ cut cake and 10+ home-ed . Thanks everyone forh those lovely present especially baby . He had been savinq like no nobody`s buisness , :D , && thanks beloved forh being so sweet . I LOVE YOU !
thursday : ehhs , lemmi think ah , hmmms , after school went tho BM ate KFC with baby and dhhen home-ed . i qotta qo back hime earlier that day cause my popo birthday marhhs . :D . At niqht went tho holland dere tho eat .
friday : After school , went home , bath-ed chanqe-ed and went tho vivo with baby . LOL , we went dere tho have our " DA-CAN " :D . hmmms , went food republic eat , baby ate till his chicken-winq flew away . :X , cute luhs him . After that , went tho play arcade with him , spent $6 dere , bus-ed 145 tho popo house dere derhhs car-park slack and home-ed ard 6+ .
haiish , sien , no picture cause i haven repair my fone .
hao lerhhs ,
i qotta qo lerhhs .
baby , i miss you .
4 more days , :D
c'mon baby let's get into it .
4 more days , :D
c'mon baby let's get into it .
&& i wunt find any love
sweeter than yorhs .
sweeter than yorhs .
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