back to post lerh .
ytd dint post cause i dint came back home ,
i went to popo house tho stay 1 niqht ,
cause mummy ask me tho bring thinqs back there .
LOL , baby and lokyi should know whard i brouqht tho school ytd luhs . :X
yupps yupps , dhen ytd after school , went out with baby awhile and home-ed around 4+
i think .
hmmms , forh today ah ,
ehhs , morning dint meet baby ,
cause not shun lu marhhs ,
bud bud bud , of cause i dint qo tho school myself luhs ,
met lokyi sis in the morning together tho school ,
wahhs she so qood siah , miss 1 bus lehhs , just tho w8 forh me .
Lucky today drizziling <---- [ paiisEh , spelling dunno correct anot ] ah , if not sure late derhhs loh , baby told me not to bii late forh school , budden in the end , is himself reach school later dhen me ah . Ohmytians ! i fail-ed my chinese ! siao liao , nvm nvm , of cause i wunt tell my mummy luhs , unless i qet qood results or at lease pass , if not she will starts to naq aqain . !@#$%^&*#$%^& After school went forh lunch with baby , walan ehh , baby walked so fast loh , untill me cannot catch up him , know why ? REASON : he saw missCHUI =.= went tho more than words first tho see things , and head-ed off tho buy sweet-talk , follow by old chanq kee and walk-ed tho blk 19 . HOME-SWEET-HOME around 4+ :D . this shall bii my last post forh this week i guess
may all of youh , have a blessful and fruitful 2008 !
&& must collect lots of HONG BAO lehhs .
tml shall be baby && mine 11 months ,
i love youh , i really do ,
maybe its all fated forh me ,
my love is getting deeper and deeper by each seconds forh youh .
i cherish youh now and the future ,
youh shall bii my one and only .
i love youh , i really do ,
maybe its all fated forh me ,
my love is getting deeper and deeper by each seconds forh youh .
i cherish youh now and the future ,
youh shall bii my one and only .
&& i wunt find any love
sweeter than yorhs .
sweeter than yorhs .
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