its has been a decade
since i have update my blog ,
well , from my previous post ,
i think youh guys will know im not
staying at my own house ryte ?
yupps , and so im back today and also
back forh blogging .
hmmms , lemme think whard i have done
forh the past few days ,
erm ,
ohs yah !
i still haven get my superman tee and
my flowery bucket bag >:( .
im really impatient lerhhs okays ?
everytime ask youh say by when when when ,
in the end , whats my answer ?
1 ) the supplier say dunno what luhs
2 ) i haven help youh get eur shirt .
i had enough of these okkays ?!
how long have i been waiting forh my stuffs ?
1 or 2 weeks ?
kkays kkays ,
enough of my craps ,
yea . went tho watch " ah long "
with baby ,
kinda funny luhs ,
forh those whom have not watch ,
i think youh all shall go and watch .
Cause its worth watching unlike
1 miss call , what a waste of time and $$ .
got back my maths result ,
13/25 ,
* sigh *
what a great mark i have gotten >:( ,
&& im really annoyed my somebody
in my maths class .
think what ?
juz pass by few marks nia leh girl ,
must happy till liddat mah ?
the most annoyed thing is i carnt stand eur voice okkays ?
talk dhhen talk luhs ,
why must '' gek '' till that voice .
I've speak all the thing out of my mind to youh .
Is up to youh now.
& FRIENDS till now ?!
I know what you're trying to say next.
&& i wunt find any love
sweeter than yorhs .
sweeter than yorhs .
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